Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Jedi Guardian Leveling

Hello!  So I haven't been posting regularly since I don't just want to post useless drivel, so instead I've been focusing on leveling.  I really want to hit 50 and start dueling and putting together some video tips for duels and small scale PvP.  That being said though, I would like to address all the people that seem to be having problems leveling and perhaps give some tips that I hope will help.  The class really only feels very weak to me on the first map of Alderaan, but that area seems quite overtuned in general.  It seems especially hard since all the mobs are more spaced out than previously seen.  The only advice I can give there is to just plow through it the best you can.  It gets significantly easier in just a few levels.  Read on for how I found leveling to be easiest...
First off, I found Defense spec with Kira to be the most effective.  Now I have a habit of leveling with PvP talents since I play on PvP servers and don't like losing when I get jumped.  So take my leveling spec with a grain of salt as it's what I envision my Defense PvP spec would be which is something like this.  This is really a build that emphasizes damage, focus conservation and utility.  Gear wise, I've been focusing on offensive stats to help speed up the leveling process which becomes even better once you switch out Kira for Doc.  I like ending my fights with a good amount of health simply for PvP reasons.  I imagine that a spec focused more on defense with the appropriate gear may level well with Kira.  I enjoy the combat aspect of the Guardian though and don't really mind spending the extra time fighting mobs instead of downtime.  
The class really isn't as weak as the forums would make you think.  If anything, I see a PvP nerf coming for Focus spec as it will end up scaling too well with all of the percentage talents affecting it and the guaranteed crit.  I'm hoping to get some PvP footage going soon as soon as I get more time to level (yay for MLK day?).  In the meantime, I'm going to leave this video of just some Guardian questing on Alderaan.  It has a description of the "rotation" to use for grinding and if you check out some of my other youtube videos it has footage of the boss fights that a lot of people have problems with.  Explanations of how to win fights are great, but hopefully seeing the win in action will help even more.  Warning though, some massive spoilers for the Jedi Knight story in some of my youtube videos.

Til next time!

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